15. February 2022, Armin Leinfelder | Endpoint Management

How are we doing? Independent analysts at Forrester and techconsult weigh in on baramundi

All of us need and want feedback to help us gauge how we’re doing at work. We get feedback from many sources, but the three we count on most tend to be our managers and co-workers, our customers, and independent experts who can give us an unbiased outsider’s view.

The same is true for baramundi as a company. Industry analysts provide a valuable reality check by measuring us against our market peers and competitors. Two recent reports from Forrester and techconsult are great examples of both the work they…

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15. February 2022, Armin Leinfelder | Endpoint Management

How are we doing? Independent analysts at Forrester and techconsult weigh in on baramundi

All of us need and want feedback to help us gauge how we’re doing at work. We get feedback from many sources, but the three we count on most tend to be our managers and co-workers, our customers, and independent experts who can give us an unbiased outsider’s view.

The same is true for baramundi as a company. Industry analysts provide a valuable reality check by measuring us against our market peers and competitors. Two recent reports from Forrester and techconsult are great examples of both the work they…

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