baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

30. November 2022, Armin Leinfelder | Endpoint Management, Management Suite

The Weather, IT and End-User Experiences: The bMS Release 2022 R2

Mann im Technologiebüro vor Bildschirmen mit Release-Ankündigung "Release 2022 R2"

What do the weather, IT and end-user experiences have in common? A couple of things actually. One is that any of them can affect what kind of day you’re going to have. For example, nice weather, well-behaved computers, snappy network connections, and happy end-users with few support requests usually mean that it’s a pretty good day all around. The opposite is also true, of course.

The second is that just as meteorologists get blamed for any differences between the forecast and whatever Mother Nature produces, IT…

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30. November 2022, Armin Leinfelder | Endpoint Management, Management Suite

The Weather, IT and End-User Experiences: The bMS Release 2022 R2

Mann im Technologiebüro vor Bildschirmen mit Release-Ankündigung "Release 2022 R2"

What do the weather, IT and end-user experiences have in common? A couple of things actually. One is that any of them can affect what kind of day you’re going to have. For example, nice weather, well-behaved computers, snappy network connections, and happy end-users with few support requests usually mean that it’s a pretty good day all around. The opposite is also true, of course.

The second is that just as meteorologists get blamed for any differences between the forecast and whatever Mother Nature produces, IT…

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