baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

07. September 2021, Frank Heider | Endpoint Management, IT Security

Unified Endpoint Management for more security - And securely too?

Digitales Vorhängeschloss aus vernetzten Punkten und Linien vor blauem Hintergrund

Companies are good at protecting their IT infrastructure from attacks - both external and internal - as best they can. A reliable firewall solution, a reliable antivirus solution, as well as a reasonable backup & recovery strategy are part of the minimum equipment. In times of aggressive malware more than ever.

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07. September 2021, Frank Heider | Endpoint Management, IT Security

Unified Endpoint Management for more security - And securely too?

Digitales Vorhängeschloss aus vernetzten Punkten und Linien vor blauem Hintergrund

Companies are good at protecting their IT infrastructure from attacks - both external and internal - as best they can. A reliable firewall solution, a reliable antivirus solution, as well as a reasonable backup & recovery strategy are part of the minimum equipment. In times of aggressive malware more than ever.

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