baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

26. August 2021, Felix Zech | IT Security, System Administration

Always patch, but test first

Microsoft releases Windows updates at regular intervals to close security gaps. However – and as most IT admins have learned (sometimes the hard way) -- a simple "install it and forget it" approach is not a strategy for success. All updates should be tested before a company-wide rollout and should not be put directly into production.

To minimize the risk of problems, Windows has developed so-called deployment rings. How exactly do these work?

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26. August 2021, Felix Zech | IT Security, System Administration

Always patch, but test first

Microsoft releases Windows updates at regular intervals to close security gaps. However – and as most IT admins have learned (sometimes the hard way) -- a simple "install it and forget it" approach is not a strategy for success. All updates should be tested before a company-wide rollout and should not be put directly into production.

To minimize the risk of problems, Windows has developed so-called deployment rings. How exactly do these work?

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