baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

19. March 2024, William Fendt | Endpoint Management, System Administration

Modern remote maintenance: The user’s direct line to IT assistance

Despite the importance of IT admin know-how for providing smooth and reliable digital workflows, some end users avoid direct contact with their IT teams. Users often associate IT contact with text messages containing complicated arcane instructions they don't understand, accompanied by escalating e-mail exchanges. The solution: fast, secure and efficient remote maintenance via the cloud! 

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19. March 2024, William Fendt | Endpoint Management, System Administration

Modern remote maintenance: The user’s direct line to IT assistance

Despite the importance of IT admin know-how for providing smooth and reliable digital workflows, some end users avoid direct contact with their IT teams. Users often associate IT contact with text messages containing complicated arcane instructions they don't understand, accompanied by escalating e-mail exchanges. The solution: fast, secure and efficient remote maintenance via the cloud! 

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