baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

06. October 2022, Alexander Haugk | Production & Industry 4.0

More safety means better user experiences and more satisfied employees

Security is a key requirement for many employees to feel comfortable and productive at work. At minimum, a secure environment lets them concentrate on what they need to accomplish without having to worry about spotting and avoiding sources of online danger. After all, nobody wants to be the one who unwittingly opens a malicious link or attachment that exposes company data - or worse.

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06. October 2022, Alexander Haugk | Production & Industry 4.0

More safety means better user experiences and more satisfied employees

Security is a key requirement for many employees to feel comfortable and productive at work. At minimum, a secure environment lets them concentrate on what they need to accomplish without having to worry about spotting and avoiding sources of online danger. After all, nobody wants to be the one who unwittingly opens a malicious link or attachment that exposes company data - or worse.

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