baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

16. June 2020, Alexander Haugk | Mobile Device Management, Management Suite

How to secure Zoom on Windows and Mobile Devices

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Zoom video conferencing captured a lot of attention at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for several reasons. First, it skyrocketed in awareness and usage for virtual meetings among businesspeople and the public due to its reputation for being user-friendly. Second, IT professionals immediately examined potential security and data exposure risks for an app and service that users were suddenly adopting en masse.

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16. June 2020, Alexander Haugk | Mobile Device Management, Management Suite

How to secure Zoom on Windows and Mobile Devices

[Translate to english:]

Zoom video conferencing captured a lot of attention at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for several reasons. First, it skyrocketed in awareness and usage for virtual meetings among businesspeople and the public due to its reputation for being user-friendly. Second, IT professionals immediately examined potential security and data exposure risks for an app and service that users were suddenly adopting en masse.

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