baramundi Argus Cockpit
The best IT admins always worries about server and endpoint status and uptime whether in the office, at home, or on the go. Keeping an eye on your own network at all times and locations is no easy task. You need the right tool!
The solution: With the Argus Cockpit, you can quickly, easily and securely check all relevant status data no matter the time or place. Have peace of mind when endpoint Job execution is trouble-free or have the ability to take action and initiate problem identification and resolution quickly.
Benefits at a glance

View system status in a web browser regardless of time or location

Secure and responsive access without a VPN connection

Monitor the status of your baramundi servers at a glance

Get instant updates on Job status and quickly resolve problems

Fast, efficient and consistent IT admin UX

Assign staff monitoring responsibilities with Universal Dynamic Groups

Important functions in the Argus Cockpit
- E-Mail notification: Notifications let you known when defined parameters are exceeded or not met. This allows you to respond immediately to outages before disruptions occur.
- Status view of bServer services and bMS Jobs: Always remain informed about all processes on your baramundi servers
- Display of endpoint device information: View detailed endpoint information at a glance at all times
- Specific thresholds values: Set your own thresholds for synchronized Universal Dynamic Groups
- Individual evaluation of IT data: Detect anomalies on all endpoints with Argus Trends
- Informative reporting: Automatically generate individual reports for your IT environments

Administrators who need to keep an eye on the status of one or more different IT environments around the clock face a titanic task. It helps to draw on the strength and skill of the titan Argus – the tireless multi-eyed guardian from Greek mythology for whom the baramundi Argus cockpit is named.
Supported Platforms

Multi-client capability
Scalable and high-performance
Modern UI with responsive views
Access without VPN
Data protection-compliant and secure data processing
Continuous enhancements and updates
Argus Cockpit is ideal for us. In particular, the ability to use Universal Dynamics Groups (UDGs) to sort current and historical data really helps in reporting. Everyone can see at a glance that our managed end devices are up-to-date and protected.

Stephan Michaelis, System Engineer at Netplans
For customers: Request Argus Cockpit now
For prospects: Test now free of charge
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Find out how you can benefit from our Argus Cockpit and the other bMS modules and request a free 30-day full version for testing!