baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

30. June 2022, Alexander Haugk | IT Security

Perception, reality and cybersecurity: Is your company really prepared?

It’s a basic and ironic fact of human nature:  we – all of us – are pretty bad at estimating how good we are. For years, psychologists have studied why people tend to overestimate their own competencies and abilities. In fact, studies have found that the higher we rate ourselves in our minds, the worse we perform in reality.

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30. June 2022, Alexander Haugk | IT Security

Perception, reality and cybersecurity: Is your company really prepared?

It’s a basic and ironic fact of human nature:  we – all of us – are pretty bad at estimating how good we are. For years, psychologists have studied why people tend to overestimate their own competencies and abilities. In fact, studies have found that the higher we rate ourselves in our minds, the worse we perform in reality.

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