baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

04. April 2024, Sebastian Wasik | IT Security

Under the radar: Shadow IT – the eternal battle

For IT admins, seamless monitoring of their network endpoints is one of the most important prerequisites for detecting and preventing security threats as early as possible. Shadow IT – unauthorized hardware and software on the company network – is a long-standing concern. And new studies show that the challenge is not getting any smaller. 

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  • shadow it

04. April 2024, Sebastian Wasik | IT Security

Under the radar: Shadow IT – the eternal battle

For IT admins, seamless monitoring of their network endpoints is one of the most important prerequisites for detecting and preventing security threats as early as possible. Shadow IT – unauthorized hardware and software on the company network – is a long-standing concern. And new studies show that the challenge is not getting any smaller. 

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  • Tags:
  • shadow it
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