baramundi FAQs

How can we help?


baramundi version update

Where can I get the installation file for the baramundi Management Suite?

What are the new features in each release?

Where can I find the baramundi system requirements, for supported platforms and operating systems?

Do I need a new license for a version update?

Where can I find installation and update instructions?

baramundi Support

How can I reach baramundi support?

bMS Licensing

How can I order, upgrade or change licenses?

Documentation & communities

Where can I access bMS documentation and instructions?

What is the baramundi Knowledge Base?

What is the baramundi Forum?

Where can I view video tutorials?

Is online and virtual training available?

How can I submit feedback and requests for new features and enhancements?

IT Trainings & Workshops

What training courses are available?

Stay up to date

How do I subscribe to and receive updates in the Forum, Feedback Portal and Knowledge Base?

Where can I find news and updates about bMS or current IT topics?