baramundi Vulnerability Scanner

Spot and fix vulnerabilities automatically

baramundi Vulnerability Scanner

Unpatched software, incorrect settings and other endpoint vulnerabilities jeopardize the security of all company computers and data. Busy IT administrators are expected to spot and correct security and compliance gaps at all times but they cannot continuously check all systems manually using limited tools.

baramundi Vulnerability Scanner provides the oversight needed by scanning endpoint devices automatically for a wide range of vulnerabilities and insecure configurations. It immediately shows the presence and severity of vulnerabilities in a clear dashboard display along with recommended corrective actions. 

Vulnerability Scanner also lets you define your own scanning and display rules to meet your organization’s specific security requirements and eliminate potential attack vectors on your network.

Key Benefits & Features

Automated scanning of endpoint computers for known vulnerabilities

Automatic security checks of device configuration settings

Quickly close security gaps using the baramundi Management Suite

Define custom scanning parameters with baramundi scripts

At-a-glance display of scan results and recommended fixes

Improves system security and compliance management

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Benefits for You

  • Automated scanning for vulnerabilities
  • Automated check of device configuration settings
  • Create your own, user-defined scanning rules for regular checking.
  • Detailed at-a-glance endpoint vulnerability assessment
  • Close gaps quickly from within baramundi Management Suite
  • Increase system security

baramundi Vulnerability Management in detail

Find out about in detail the main features of baramundi Vulnerability Scanner.

Reliable compliance management

The baramundi Vulnerability Scanner automatically scans endpoint computers for known and documented vulnerabilities such as unpatched software, misconfigurations and other potential attack vectors.

Certified compliance management policies

The Vulnerability Scanner uses more than 25,000 CVE definitions maintained and continuously updated by recognized government and private cybersecurity organizations. Vulnerability Scanner meets compliance management guidelines for PCs and servers by providing automated assessments of vulnerabilities at a level of detail unavailable with manual scanning methods.

Transparent reporting

A clear dashboard shows the threat level at a glance and allows direct navigation to the affected systems and vulnerabilities found.

Automatically close security gaps

The baramundi Vulnerability Scanner helps IT staff maintain constant awareness of the presence of known vulnerabilities on network endpoints. However, awareness alone does not prevent attacks. That’s why Vulnerability Scanner works in conjunction with the baramundi Patch Management | baramundi Managed Software modules, enabling IT admins to close security gaps quickly by installing the latest security updates on all affected systems.


The dashboard reveals vulnerabilities and visualizes the exposure status.

baramundi Vulnerability Scanner: Dashboard

Identify, list, and sort vulnerabilities on an end-device-specific basis.

Vulnerability Scanner: identify vulnerabilities
Vulnerability Listing

All detected vulnerabilities of the end device incl. description and proposed solution.

Vulnerability Scanner: detailed vulnerability overview

Define and manage exceptions for vulnerabilities individually.

Vulnerability Scanner: Define rules for vulnerabilities

Does the computer meet the compliance guidelines? A look at the rules is all it takes.

Vulnerability Scanner: Compliance Management
Violated rules

Display violated rules on the end device and suggest a solution.

Vulnerability Scanner: configuration rules
baramundi Vulnerability Scanner: Dashboard
Vulnerability Scanner: identify vulnerabilities
Vulnerability Scanner: detailed vulnerability overview
Vulnerability Scanner: Define rules for vulnerabilities
Vulnerability Scanner: Compliance Management
Vulnerability Scanner: configuration rules

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💡 Licensing

Like all modules of the baramundi Management Suite, this module is licensed per managed workstation. Servers are also licensed like a normal workstation. For more details, please contact our sales staff