baramundi supports intelligent energy saving of its customers

Augsburg, August 17, 2021 - Starting in August, baramundi software AG will make the energy management module of its Unified Endpoint Management solution available to its customers free of charge. By using the energy management tool, baramundi customers can record and analyze the energy consumption of their workstations and optimize energy-saving measures.
The Energy Management module ensures that energy consumption is optimized, as it both detects systems that have an unusually high energy requirement and shows where potential savings are hidden.
In addition, the solution enables fast and automated recording not only of computers, but also of peripheral devices such as monitors, printers and other systems, including their operating and stand-by times. Based on anonymized reports, IT teams can define plans to optimize usage times and thus energy consumption. These energy policies can be distributed automatically, individually or in groups. As of now, new customers automatically receive the module free of charge. Existing customers who do not yet use energy management can also request the license for it free of charge.
"The topic of climate change is very important to baramundi. In order to make a difference here, we all have to act. One opportunity is to point out unused potential to save energy," explains baramundi CEO Uwe Beikirch. "If as many companies as possible participate here even small contributions can have a greater effect in total. That's why we are now taking the initiative and making the Energy Management module available to our customers free of charge starting in August. We hope that our example will inspire other companies to take similar action."