26. July 2023, Peer Voit | System Administration

From cup to server: Surprising parallels

Coffee and IT infrastructure have more in common than you may think. Sure, many or most sysadmins depend on their morning cuppa as much as they do a reliable computer and network connection. But both also come from having the right know-how, equipment and attention to detail. A little bit of flexibility to adapt to changes in needs and preferences over time also comes in handy. So, let’s fill our mugs and take a fun look at some coffee-IT parallels.

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26. July 2023, Peer Voit | System Administration

From cup to server: Surprising parallels

Coffee and IT infrastructure have more in common than you may think. Sure, many or most sysadmins depend on their morning cuppa as much as they do a reliable computer and network connection. But both also come from having the right know-how, equipment and attention to detail. A little bit of flexibility to adapt to changes in needs and preferences over time also comes in handy. So, let’s fill our mugs and take a fun look at some coffee-IT parallels.

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