05. October 2023, Andreas Klare | IT Security, System Administration

Darth Vader as hacker – From the dark side to the darknet

In a galaxy far, far away in a time far from our imagination, there existed one of the most iconic and formidable villains in the history of cinema – a Sith Lord named Darth Vader. For IT pros, the ultimate adversary is usually the relentless and anonymous hacker. Both seem invincible, but are they really?

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05. October 2023, Andreas Klare | IT Security, System Administration

Darth Vader as hacker – From the dark side to the darknet

In a galaxy far, far away in a time far from our imagination, there existed one of the most iconic and formidable villains in the history of cinema – a Sith Lord named Darth Vader. For IT pros, the ultimate adversary is usually the relentless and anonymous hacker. Both seem invincible, but are they really?

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