baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

22. May 2024, Robert Klinger | End User Experience, IT Security

Do your systems "go blue"?

Whether it’s the medical term “Code Blue,” the classic “BSOD,” or, as we say in Germany, “Going blue,” the color blue generally means bad news for IT admins. Sudden, unexpected system crashes often occur at the most inopportune moments and result in expensive, time-consuming downtime. With baramundi Argus Experience, you can get those unwanted “blue screeners” under control.

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22. May 2024, Robert Klinger | End User Experience, IT Security

Do your systems "go blue"?

Whether it’s the medical term “Code Blue,” the classic “BSOD,” or, as we say in Germany, “Going blue,” the color blue generally means bad news for IT admins. Sudden, unexpected system crashes often occur at the most inopportune moments and result in expensive, time-consuming downtime. With baramundi Argus Experience, you can get those unwanted “blue screeners” under control.

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