baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

07. February 2022, Felix Zech | IT Security

Criminal Hackers - Logging in is easier than hacking the system

The steady flow of news about cyberattacks on businesses and other organizations worldwide make it painfully clear that robust, active and multi-faceted digital security is not just a good idea but an absolute must! Whether it’s Colonial Pipeline in the US in mid-2021, or European retail icons like MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group or IKEA later in the year, large, well-known companies and small businesses alike have been targeted by criminal hackers launching costly and damaging ransomware attacks.

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07. February 2022, Felix Zech | IT Security

Criminal Hackers - Logging in is easier than hacking the system

The steady flow of news about cyberattacks on businesses and other organizations worldwide make it painfully clear that robust, active and multi-faceted digital security is not just a good idea but an absolute must! Whether it’s Colonial Pipeline in the US in mid-2021, or European retail icons like MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group or IKEA later in the year, large, well-known companies and small businesses alike have been targeted by criminal hackers launching costly and damaging ransomware attacks.

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