baramundi Blog: News, Know-how und Wissen rund um die IT

baramundi Blog

22. October 2020, Robert Klinger | Endpoint Management

The “commute” to cloud computing – The bus doesn't wait

Cloud Computing

It is Wednesday, 7:35 a.m., and I am standing at the bus stop under partly cloudy skies waiting for the bus to get to work. There’s a crowd of commuters here waiting but everything I hear indicates that everyone will get a seat. Although I know the destination well, I am excited and curious about the trip. It’s a major adjustment but it will be cheaper over time, and I can use the time that I used to spend behind the wheel more productively. 

I’m using a work week commuting analogy to describe where IT…

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22. October 2020, Robert Klinger | Endpoint Management

The “commute” to cloud computing – The bus doesn't wait

Cloud Computing

It is Wednesday, 7:35 a.m., and I am standing at the bus stop under partly cloudy skies waiting for the bus to get to work. There’s a crowd of commuters here waiting but everything I hear indicates that everyone will get a seat. Although I know the destination well, I am excited and curious about the trip. It’s a major adjustment but it will be cheaper over time, and I can use the time that I used to spend behind the wheel more productively. 

I’m using a work week commuting analogy to describe where IT…

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