23. November 2021, Armin Leinfelder | baramundi News

Into the comfort zone - the 2021 R2 release

Mann im Technologiebüro vor Bildschirmen mit Release-Ankündigung "Release 2021 R2"

There's this saying that you have to leave your comfort zone to grow, learn and experience something new. Release 2021 R2 of the baramundi Management Suite (bMS) is taking the opposite approach: The release contains a series of large and small improvements and enhancements that make life easier for admins and more comfortable for end users. We present a few of the most important ones here, so take a look!

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23. November 2021, Armin Leinfelder | baramundi News

Into the comfort zone - the 2021 R2 release

Mann im Technologiebüro vor Bildschirmen mit Release-Ankündigung "Release 2021 R2"

There's this saying that you have to leave your comfort zone to grow, learn and experience something new. Release 2021 R2 of the baramundi Management Suite (bMS) is taking the opposite approach: The release contains a series of large and small improvements and enhancements that make life easier for admins and more comfortable for end users. We present a few of the most important ones here, so take a look!

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